Fall Candle Making Workshop - Norman
Are you as obsessed with fall candles as we are? Come and make your own crisp and cozy candles on wednesday, september 11. Choose from scents like pumpkin chai, apple cider, and autumn leaves. You will leave with 2 to 3 candles you’ll pour and scent yourself :). Plus, we’ll have fall themed mimosas and snacks.
Are you as obsessed with fall candles as we are? Come and make your own crisp and cozy candles on wednesday, september 11. Choose from scents like pumpkin chai, apple cider, and autumn leaves. You will leave with 2 to 3 candles you’ll pour and scent yourself :). Plus, we’ll have fall themed mimosas and snacks.
Are you as obsessed with fall candles as we are? Come and make your own crisp and cozy candles on wednesday, september 11. Choose from scents like pumpkin chai, apple cider, and autumn leaves. You will leave with 2 to 3 candles you’ll pour and scent yourself :). Plus, we’ll have fall themed mimosas and snacks.